City Firewood Confirmation of Essential Service
Hi Robbie,
Thanks for your enquiry. The delivery of firewood for immediate needs, or fulfilling existing orders, is an essential service.
We would advise people not to stockpile given the need to focus fulfilling on only essential servicing immediate supplies/existing orders at this time to and servicing needs over the next four weeks.
Hope that helps clarify the situation.
Please continue to check the COVID19 page for updates:
An activity is deemed essential, for a business to operate it must do so in a way that minimises the risk of COVID-19 transmission. Businesses should:
- minimise, or eliminate if possible, physical interactions amongst staff and with and between customers,
- ensure appropriate health, hygiene and safety measures are in place,
- restrict activity to only what is essential during the Alert 4 period.
It is for an industry or business to decide how to best do this. We would expect practices to include the likes of:
- Working from home as far as possible.
- Limiting, or eliminating if possible, staff interaction e.g. through physical distancing, split shifts, staggered meal breaks, and flexible working arrangements.
- Limiting, or eliminating if possible, interaction with and between customers e.g. through online or phone orders, contactless delivery, or managed entry (while also avoiding crowding outside) and physical distancing both inside and outside the premises.
- Hygiene basics of hand washing and sanitisers.
- Frequent cleaning of premises, especially counters and eftpos terminals, and other high-touch surfaces (cleaning advice is available on the Ministry of Health website).
- Protective equipment for staff as appropriate.
Kind Regards,
Fiona Dally
Policy Advisor
COVID-19 Response Team -
15 Stout Street, Wellington 6140 | New Zealand