Terms & Conditions

City Firewood Terms & Conditions

All City Firewood Customers fall under the below Terms and Conditions. By purchasing firewood, wood products and gardening supplies from City Firewood/City Gardens you agree and accept to have read and understood this page, and have a complete understanding of appropriate firewood care.

Firewood Care

We strive to get a high quality product to your door, but it’s important you give it the proper care to ensure you get the best from your wood when winter comes around. It’s easy to stack and forget, but we recommend keeping an eye on your firewood to ensure your storage area is doing a good job. This page has some basic information on general wood care, if you have any questions or concerns about your storage area please get in touch.

Wood Size

When it comes to firewood size, we give you a variety of sizes for all stages of a fire. We do our best to keep the sizing within a certain range but sometimes there will be some ugly ducklings in your load such as short or long pieces, skinny or chunky.

We recommend keeping an axe handy in case there are bigger bits that need splitting. Short and skinny pieces are great for an intermediate wood between kindling and chunky bits, which is a vital phase of getting the fire going and keeping smoke levels down.

Screened Wood

We screen all of our firewood to remove the smaller fragments that come about from processing the wood. There will always be some fragments in your load which makes for perfect kindling, and is also great for fire-stoking or reviving.

Fragments and fines fill gaps left between the larger pieces meaning they are always additional to a full load, i.e. you are not getting less firewood if you find you have a number of wood fragments in your load. If you are concerned about getting too many fragments in your load let us know so we can note on your file you prefer not to have them. 


Mould on firewood is generally considered harmless however if you are sensitive to mould here’s some ideas to help you avoid it: 

The best thing for preventing mould is sun, warmth, and good air flow. If you believe some bits of wood are growing mould, move the pieces out somewhere where they can dry off for a while.

Green, partially dried, or rain wet dry firewood all have the potential to grow mould if the moisture is not easily able to escape. If you’re concerned about mould, our Kiln Dried Firewood and a well ventilated storage area is best for you.

Pine is particularly sensitive to growing mould so keep a close eye on it and don’t leave it too long until you do anything. Even Kiln Dried pine can grow mould if it’s stored in damp conditions.

DIY Dry Firewood

When purchasing DIY Dry Firewood you take full responsibility to ensure accurate drying to prevent moisture content and mould. While we provide thorough drying instructions, there are additional factors out of our control that may prohibit the Firewood drying completely, and as such we are not liable to provide any refunds or returns on DIY Dry Firewood purchases. 

We recommend considering our Air Dried or Kiln Dried Firewood options if you have any doubts around being able to adhere to the DIY Drying Instructions, or about the environment in which you would be drying the wood. 

DIY Dry Firewood is only available for delivery between October - December. 

Fireplace Safety

Having your fireplace inspected and serviced yearly is important for ensuring your fire performs efficiently to get the most out of your wood, as well as keeping you safe and warm.

Refund Policy

Due to the nature of our Firewood and wood products being sold in a variety of dryness grades, wood hardness and specialty cuts, our refund policy is run on a case by case basis. We provide refunds, or appropriate credits where applicable, if contact is made in a reasonable time with issues that rarely surface with our guaranteed dry wood. Upon contact with the team in the office we will arrange the necessary investigative process to determine the course of action taken for each case.

Concerns and Complaints

If you have any concerns with your firewood or gardening supplies, get in contact with us as soon as possible so we can help you avoid any problems that may occur further down the line.

Call us on 03 359 9323 or fill out our contact form here and we will get back to you.

Cancellation and Postponement/Rescheduling Policy

We recognise unexpected events may cause disruption to customers and we will try to accommodate your changing needs. For us, the closer it is to the delivery date the more difficult and costly it is for us to do this and so we are introducing, effective 1 March 2023, the following policies. 

In the event you choose to cancel your order more than 2 business days before the scheduled delivery we will reimburse any payment without deduction. However, in the event you cancel your order on or within 2 business days of the scheduled delivery we will apply a cancellation fee of $60.00. This fee will be deducted prior to any refund, or, in the event no payment has been made a debit of $60.00 will be applied against your customer file; with this fee to be paid in full prior to the delivery of your next order. 

In the event you choose to postpone/reschedule your order more than 2 business days before the scheduled delivery date there will be no Postponement/Rescheduling fee applied. In the event you request a postponement/rescheduling of your order on or within 2 business days of the scheduled delivery date a fee of $25.00 will be applied and must be paid on or before the rescheduled delivery date. 

Please Note: - 

1. We do not have “spare slots” in our delivery schedule; so, if you wish to reschedule you will be offered the next available delivery dates at the time of rescheduling. At our busiest times this could be a delay of several weeks before we are able to next schedule your delivery. 

2. Should you be concerned that there is rain forecast for the day of your delivery, if you have a tarpaulin available and left out where the wood is to be delivered, our driver is only too happy to place it over your wood at no extra charge. If you would like to purchase a tarpaulin from us, and for your wood to be covered at the time of delivery, please give our office a call at least 1 business day prior to your scheduled delivery to discuss your needs.

Payment Methods

City Firewood accepts the following payment methods:

  • Bank Deposit
  • Easy Pay (Pre-Payment Plan)
  • Credit Card (surcharges apply)