
We care about preserving and bolstering the environment for future generations to come. 
Our Firewood is created from sustainable forests, which is an energy source that is internationally recognised as carbon neutral. It is considered as having a low environmental impact due to the fact that all carbon emissions from burning, are reabsorbed by the regrowth of the forest. Firewood emissions do not contribute to New Zealand’s greenhouse gas emissions quota.
City Firewood also actively targets wilding conifers with ECan as a source of firewood. Wilding conifers are like the rabbits and stoats of New Zealand’s native landscape. Wilding conifers are trees that were imported from other counties that grow fast and spread rapidly. In New Zealand they are taking over our natural ecosystems by outgrowing our native species and shading them out.
Our native plants cannot survive in the shade, and with that, the food sources for our native fauna disappear as well, creating local extinctions. It is estimated that 20% of New Zealand will be invaded by native conifer forests within 20 years without rapid action. Through 2019 - 2020 City Firewood has made the clearance of 400 hectares of wilding pine possible, with another 200 hectares arranged so far for 2021.


The thin plastic mesh that holds the our City Towers together is commercially recyclable, so please keep your mesh once you have finished with your City Tower. You can return it to us, or we can pick it up with your next firewood delivery and we will recycle the plastic.

 In addition to this, we are committed to using City Towers as a way to raise awareness and support for important New Zealand environmental projects. That's why for every City Tower purchase you can pick a charity for us to donate to. You can choose between native tree planting with Trees That Count, saving the Kakapo with DOC Kakapo Recovery or Keep New Zealand Beautiful who work on everything from beach clean ups, to picking up litter.